The Best Diet!

Now that I have your attention, how many of you thought I was going to let you in on the ‘secret’? I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you, but there is no one perfect diet out there for everyone. There have been countless studies done on various ‘diets’ trying to prove which one will help you to lose the most weight. Some results show that high protein works, or high fiber, or low fat, but really the bottom line for all of these has been that when calories are reduced, the subjects lost weight; but what really matters is, can they keep it off?

If you want to know what it takes to keep off the weight you lose, check out the National Weight Control Registry. This is an ongoing investigation of people who have lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for at least one year. Among the findings, the researchers have discovered that most participants continue on a low calorie, low fat diet and perform high levels of activity.  Additionally:

    • 78% of participants eat breakfast every day.
    • 75% of participants weigh themselves at least once a week.
    • 62% of participants watch less than 10 hours of TV per week.
    • 90% of participants exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day.

You all know my philosophy by now: load up your plate with vegetables and fruits, add some lean protein (from meat, chicken or fish, nuts, beans and low-fat dairy), if you are going to have a grain make it a whole grain and wash it all down with plenty of water, this is a winning combination. I know it all sounds very general, but that is because whatever combinations of foods you eat, need to be chosen by you! There are a myriad of vegetables, fruits and protein sources out there, find the ones that you like best and then don’t overdo it.

Have you ever tried a diet in the past that ‘worked’ only until you went back to your old eating habits? Did you get bored with the mandated menus or maybe you didn’t really like them to begin with? Just say no to the hype! The best diet is one that you like and that you can follow for a lifetime!

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